. TangoMasterclass ™ Certified maestros Tango Argentino with 34 years experience (Mariano) and 24 years experience (Cosima)

Milonga by Pugliese

tango tango history tango music Feb 20, 2025

In our online course Milonga Musicality Training we covered the milongas of 6 different orchestras from Francisco Canaro to Astor Piazzolla. This week we learn all about the milongas by Pugliese, with great tips how to listen and dance to his milongas. 

In this blog you can listen to a live recording from the orchestra of Osvaldo Pugliese in 1992. It is recorded and broadcasted by the Dutch televion Vrije Geluiden in The Netherlands.

Osvaldo Pugliese is 87 years young during this concert. It is really remarkable that Osvaldo Pugliese was able to travel the world and perform live concerts at this age.

He lived a very disciplined lifestyle, and he dedicated his life to the art of tango. I am very grateful to have had him as a close family friend and eternal inspiration.

I often wonder how it would have been if other musical geniuses had also lived longer. Many passed away too young. That is what this milonga is about: how we miss Carlos Gardel (1890 - 1935). He passed away at an airplane crash at the age of 45. 

Title: Milonga para Gardel
Genre: Milonga
Composed in 1947
Música: Carlos Viván
Letra: Horacio Sanguinetti

Arrangement: Osvaldo Pugliese (1905-1995)

Performed live by Osvaldo Pugliese Orchestra with singers Adrián Guida y Abel Córdoba
Recorded by Vrije Geluiden, The Netherlands, 1992.


Milonga para Gardel

Lyrics / Letras

Me hubiera gustado verteCarlitos Gardel añosoCarlitos Gardel añosoCon el cabello canosoPero tenerte, tenerte

Me hubiera gustado verteY hablarte como a RazzanoPor esa calle CorrientesCorrientes y Talcahuano

Me hubiera gustado verteY oír un tango en tu vozY oír un tango en tu vozY también tener la suerteDe que me digas adiós

Me hubiera gustado verteCon tu canción hecha pielPara quererte, quererteHermano Carlos Gardel

Me hubiera gustado verteJunto a tu vieja queridaJunto a tu vieja queridaQue sola dejó la vidaQue sola se fue a la muerte

Me hubiera gustado verteCarlitos Gardel añosoCon el cabello canosoPero tenerte, tenerte


Blog by Mariano Díaz Campos for TangoMasterclass