. TangoMasterclass ™ Certified maestros Tango Argentino with 34 years experience (Mariano) and 24 years experience (Cosima)

Mindfulness with Mariano

Mariano Mindfulness Tango | Youtube

Watch my HD nature videos at my youtube account: https://www.youtube.com/@marianomindfulnesstango 

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Mariano Mindfulness Tango

Mariano Díaz Campos

Born in Argentina based in The Netherlands

  • certified Master degree Advanced MBSR Mindfulness Based Trainer
  • Member of the Dutch professional association of Mindfulness Based Trainers VMBN
  • 8-week trainings are covered by the Dutch healthcare
  • Languages: Dutch, English, Spanish, German

Sometimes joy is the source of your smile,
sometimes your smile is the source of joy.

The small things? The small moments?
They are not small.

Breathe and let be.

Stop trying to calm the storm, and learn to surf the waves.